Smarter surfaces
Transform your surfaces with our award-winning, functional wallcoverings, paints and plasters. Inscrivez-vous sur LinkedIn gratuitement. Toimitamme toimistokalusteet, kuten saumattomat valkotaulut ja valkokankaat uusilla menetelmillä.
Découvrez la Boutique Rentrée Scolaire, un espace unique pour préparer votre rentrée en toute tranquillité. Each unit contributes to the global success of the company, ensuring we meet the .
Salaires, avis et autres informations, tous postés par les employés . Soluções inovadoras para ambientes. Smarter Surfaces Brasil – Superfícies mais inteligentes. Sports retailer and Dublin-based start-up firm announce new jobs.
Our team comprises of individuals of different ages, nationalities, genders. Hos oss får du Smart Wall Paint whiteboard färg liksom andra funktionella ytor på kontoret och klassrum. The first product was Smart Wall Paint, an. As an example, a book by Thorsten Klooster surveys the range of innovative “ smart ” surfaces for potential use in architecture and design, .
Gestalten Sie die Oberflächen in Ihrem Büro, Ihrem zu Hause oder im Klassenzimmer ganz nach Ihrem Bedarf. Ob magnetisch, als Whiteboard oder als Pr. Smart Surfaces considers the latest surface material innovations delivering seamless and integrated functionality. But why would you give up the brilliant . This direction is driven by . Adds functionality to your surfaces: magnetic, whiteboar projector.
Award-winning products and super-friendly company. Several emerging areas of biosciences and biotechnology certainly require “ smarter ” surfaces with more sophisticated properties. A world of seamless integrations, smooth 3D forms, thin and lightweight materials. Created with laminates of standard plastic films.
Powermat is building smarter surfaces. Franz Helmli, Kerstin Pötsch and Claudia Repitsch Abstract Modern production has to fulfill the needs of smarter surfaces and cost-effectiveness. The surface of materials is the skin of things an just in the same way as the skin of living beings,.
A big player in Surface Engineering. Muren zijn zoveel meer dan staande constructies tussen twee ruimten.